Kim Santos

Coping With Alzheimer’s Disease Mood Swings

People with Alzheimer’s Disease may experience mood swings that can range from minor changes in behavior and personality to more severe changes that include agitation and aggression. Coping with these mood disorders is a double-edged sword because it affects both those afflicted with the symptoms as well as their caregivers.… Read More

How Seniors Can Fight Inflation

One of the primary causes of stress today among seniors is their worry about managing household finances during inflationary times. With the costs of essential goods and services continually rising, living on a fixed income is becoming increasingly difficult. The gap between income and expenses has narrowed to a point… Read More

Facts About Sleep Disorders and Aging

One of the common problems associated with aging is a disruption in sleep patterns. Sleep disorders are prevalent in the elder population, affecting about 50% of people 65 and older versus only 15-25% of younger age groups. Many seniors struggle with the quality and duration of their sleep and when… Read More

Proper Care For Aging Feet

Maintaining mobility as you age is a key to independent living. Unfortunately, many older adults find their independent lifestyles threatened because of various foot problems that are associated with aging. Keeping your feet healthy by practicing regular foot care is essential to living an active life throughout your elder years.… Read More

Safe Driving For Seniors

There is a popular misconception that senior drivers are a hazard on the highways. Fortunately, the facts state otherwise. Statistics compiled by public and private transportation agencies report that people aged 65 and older are historically the safest drivers on the roads today. The one caveat for concern is that… Read More

Safe Travel Tips For Seniors

With the vacation season in high gear, more seniors are taking to the roads, trains, cruise ships, and airports to visit friends and family. The types of vacations they are taking may vary, but one thing they should all have in common is preplanning their trip to ensure it is… Read More

Smart Cleaning Tips For Senior Living

Household chores can be strenuous no matter what your age but for many older people, the tasks necessary to keep your home clean and safe can be especially difficult. The physical and cognitive changes that occur during aging can impact a senior’s ability to maintain a neat, organized home and… Read More

Living Well With Arthritis

Arthritis is the most common medical condition that affects older adults. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about half of adults 65 years of age and older have some form of arthritis with the percentage increasing as people become older. According to the CDC, arthritis is a major… Read More

Bone Health And Older Adults

Whenever a group of older adults gather to socialize, at some point in time the conversations will invariably gravitate toward the struggles some are having with various bone issues associated with aging. Osteoporosis affects about 54 million people in the United States with women being four times more likely to… Read More

Hot Weather Safety For Older Adults

Summer is a fun, active time for people who enjoy outdoor activities. For people aged 60 and older, summer can also be a time of the year when their well-being is at greater risk because they are more prone to heat related illnesses. Extreme or prolonged hot weather can be… Read More