At Valley Home Care, we strive to be on the forefront of elder home care by keeping up-to-date on current news and information that impacts the clients and families we serve.

We have compiled a list of informational items that we believe you will find educational and helpful. If at any time you have questions or concerns about any of the information presented, please contact us. Our staff will be glad to help you find the information you need to make the right choices about home care.

If you have a suggestion for a future topic, we encourage you to email us your ideas. Also, please check back regularly because we continually update our library of information.

Latest Posts

It Is Never Too Late For Seniors To Start Exercising

An essential aspect of good health is physical activity and for seniors, it is never too late to reap the benefits of an exercise program. No matter what your age, engaging in an exercise routine can significantly improve your health and quality of life. Research has shown that people who… Read More

Choose A Home Care Agency Wisely

There often comes a time in the lives of many families when elderly loved one needs assistance beyond the scope of what family members or friends can reasonably provide. Trying to find the right solution to this dilemma can be stressful for everyone involved because of fears and uncertainties they… Read More

The Facts About Alcohol And Aging

Is consuming alcohol good or bad for seniors? This is a question many older adults are asking today that has no one simple answer. Medical and academic studies on the impact of alcohol consumption on the body vary greatly in their conclusions. Some researchers believe moderate drinking can have certain… Read More

Understanding Age Related Balance Disorders

Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of injuries for adults ages 65 and older, accounting for over 1.4 million incidents yearly in the USA. About 1 in 4 older adults experience a fall each year that causes injuries ranging from minor bumps and bruises to life-threatening bone fractures… Read More

Facts About Diabetes And Aging

Diabetes is a serious disease that affects about 25% of people aged 65 and older. Diabetes occurs when a person’s blood glucose (sugar) level is too high. Glucose is our body’s main source of energy, and it comes from the food we eat. To convert glucose into energy, our body… Read More

Safe Holiday Shopping Tips For Seniors

Holiday gift shopping at malls, stores, and online can be a fun activity for seniors. While gift shopping for friends and loved ones can be an enjoyable experience, it can also be fraught with danger because of criminals and scammers who prey upon older adults during the holiday season. Here… Read More

Home Care vs. Home Health Care: Understand the Difference

If you are confused about the difference between Home Care and Home Health Care, you are not alone. Many people mistakenly think they are one and the same because they sound so similar, but they are very distinct in the types of services and benefits each one offers. Understanding the… Read More

Emergency Preparedness For Older Adults

Natural disasters and emergencies occur regularly across the United States, sometimes without advance warnings. When these events happen, lives can be dramatically upended and even put at risk because of a lack of preparedness with senior populations being among the most vulnerable. If you are an older adult or caring… Read More

Explore Your Senior Citizen Centers

Retirement years can be difficult for many seniors because they have too much idle time on their hands, fewer friends and family to socialize with, and health issues that can limit their ability to lead healthy, active lives. Fortunately, many communities nationwide recognize the need to support their growing senior… Read More

Health Insurance For Seniors Simplified

It’s that time of year again when seniors nationwide stress over making important decisions regarding their health insurance. Most seniors feel overwhelmed and utterly confused by the sheer volume of information they receive regarding their health insurance. To them, the task of selecting the right plans and options for their… Read More

The Benefits Of Lifelong Learning For Older Adults

Comedian George Burns once quipped that “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” While this statement was said in jest, the underlying wisdom masked in these words is undeniable. Age is an irrelevant number if you choose to spend your retirement years keeping your mind… Read More

Coping With Alzheimer’s Disease Mood Swings

People with Alzheimer’s Disease may experience mood swings that can range from minor changes in behavior and personality to more severe changes that include agitation and aggression. Coping with these mood disorders is a double-edged sword because it affects both those afflicted with the symptoms as well as their caregivers.… Read More

How Seniors Can Fight Inflation

One of the primary causes of stress today among seniors is their worry about managing household finances during inflationary times. With the costs of essential goods and services continually rising, living on a fixed income is becoming increasingly difficult. The gap between income and expenses has narrowed to a point… Read More

Facts About Sleep Disorders and Aging

One of the common problems associated with aging is a disruption in sleep patterns. Sleep disorders are prevalent in the elder population, affecting about 50% of people 65 and older versus only 15-25% of younger age groups. Many seniors struggle with the quality and duration of their sleep and when… Read More

Proper Care For Aging Feet

Maintaining mobility as you age is a key to independent living. Unfortunately, many older adults find their independent lifestyles threatened because of various foot problems that are associated with aging. Keeping your feet healthy by practicing regular foot care is essential to living an active life throughout your elder years.… Read More

Safe Driving For Seniors

There is a popular misconception that senior drivers are a hazard on the highways. Fortunately, the facts state otherwise. Statistics compiled by public and private transportation agencies report that people aged 65 and older are historically the safest drivers on the roads today. The one caveat for concern is that… Read More

Safe Travel Tips For Seniors

With the vacation season in high gear, more seniors are taking to the roads, trains, cruise ships, and airports to visit friends and family. The types of vacations they are taking may vary, but one thing they should all have in common is preplanning their trip to ensure it is… Read More

Smart Cleaning Tips For Senior Living

Household chores can be strenuous no matter what your age but for many older people, the tasks necessary to keep your home clean and safe can be especially difficult. The physical and cognitive changes that occur during aging can impact a senior’s ability to maintain a neat, organized home and… Read More

Living Well With Arthritis

Arthritis is the most common medical condition that affects older adults. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about half of adults 65 years of age and older have some form of arthritis with the percentage increasing as people become older. According to the CDC, arthritis is a major… Read More

Bone Health And Older Adults

Whenever a group of older adults gather to socialize, at some point in time the conversations will invariably gravitate toward the struggles some are having with various bone issues associated with aging. Osteoporosis affects about 54 million people in the United States with women being four times more likely to… Read More

Hot Weather Safety For Older Adults

Summer is a fun, active time for people who enjoy outdoor activities. For people aged 60 and older, summer can also be a time of the year when their well-being is at greater risk because they are more prone to heat related illnesses. Extreme or prolonged hot weather can be… Read More

Straight Talk About Senior Hearing Loss

Most people know someone in their family or social circle that is dealing with hearing loss. Age related hearing loss (also known as Presbycusis) is prevalent in senior populations, affecting about 1 in 3 people over 65 and almost 1 in 2 people aged 75 and older. In many cases,… Read More

The Facts About Vitamin And Mineral Supplements For Seniors

A healthy diet is important at any age because it provides the body with the nutrients it needs to maintain sound physical and mental health. In most cases, a well-balanced diet is all that most people need to supply their bodies with all the vitamins and minerals it requires. Once… Read More

How To Manage Stress And Anxiety

Everyone suffers from episodes of stress and anxiety at various times in their lives. Feeling stressed or anxious are normal, short-term emotional responses that people have when dealing with the pressures of everyday life. What is abnormal is when these feelings do not go away on their own and rise… Read More

Skin Care Tips For Seniors

One of the most visible signs associated with aging are changes to the skin. While everyone ages differently due to their genetics, changes to the skin are inevitable because skin loses elasticity over time and the natural production of oils in the skin also decreases, causing it to dry out.… Read More

Preventing The Aches And Pains Of Aging

It happens to everyone past a certain age. We get out of bed one morning and the spring in our step is gone and replaced by aches and pains that were not there the day before. We notice after engaging in physical activities that muscle soreness no longer comes and… Read More

What Seniors Need To Know About Vaccines

Our immune system is our body’s main line of defense against biological invaders such as viruses, bacteria and other things that can make us ill. It is an amazing, complex network of organs, cells, and proteins that protect us from getting sick and promotes healing when we are ill or… Read More

What Seniors Need To Know About Cataracts

You might notice that when driving at night, the headlights of approaching vehicles have a starburst or halo effect around them. When you sit down and watch a program on television, the colors on the screen may appear faded and the resolution is no longer crisp and clear. You may… Read More

Better Sleep For Older Adults

How we sleep plays a vital role in our ability to maintain optimal health. Healthy sleep is essential to our physical and mental well-being because sleep helps restore body functions, improve cognitive thinking, and minimize the risks of developing serious illnesses. Quality sleep is important at any age but for… Read More

What To Know When Caring For Someone With Dementia

Dementia is an insidious disease. It can destroy the very fabric of someone’s humanity, stealing away their personality, memories, and dignity. If a spouse, family member or friend has dementia, it is important to understand the various stages of the disease and the types of care that will be required.… Read More

Know The Early Signs Of Dementia

Being occasionally forgetful is a normal sign of aging. What is not normal is when memory loss begins interfering with someone’s ability to function normally in their daily life. For most people, the process of aging can cause sporadic memory lapses that have negligible consequences. For other older adults, memory… Read More

How To Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Whether you are a caregiver that is a family member or paid, the work you do is life changing. Caring for someone who needs help can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be physically, emotionally, and mentally overwhelming at times. The responsibility of ensuring the health and… Read More

Tips On Bringing Seniors Home From The Hospital

Being discharged from the hospital is a relief for seniors and their families, but it can also be a stressful time because of the challenges associated with recovering at home. It’s a difficult time for patients because while they no longer require hospital-level care, they are still not fully recovered.… Read More

Physical Fitness For Seniors

There comes a day in everyone’s life when Father Time catches up to Mother Nature. It’s just another way of saying that eventually, the day will come when we wake up and our body reminds us that our youth has passed by even though we still feel young at heart.… Read More

Music Helps Seniors Stay Healthy

It has been said that music is good for the soul. That may be true, but according to medical research, it is also good for your health. Numerous studies into the link between music and health all conclude that music has a positive impact on a broad range of physical… Read More

Medication Management For Seniors

Did I or didn’t I? That’s a question that a lot of seniors ask themselves when it’s time to take a prescribed medication. You mull the question over in your head, uncertain if you took your medication on time as prescribed or if you forgot to do either one because… Read More

Smart Financial Planning For Older Adults

Running out of money during their golden years is one of the biggest fears seniors have today. It is a valid and serious concern. As life expectancy increases and inflation soars, the cost of living longer has consequences that many seniors never anticipated nor planned for during their working lives.… Read More

Volunteering Opportunities For Seniors

Most people daydream all their working lives about retirement. They look forward to when they can leave their jobs behind and spend their days doing everything that they always wanted to do but never had the time. When that day finally arrives, it is often a bittersweet revelation for many… Read More

Seniors And Problem Gambling

Casinos today are like convenience stores. They are popping up everywhere across the country, conveniently located, and open for business 24/7/365. While the proliferation of casinos is good news to the local and state governments that benefit from the revenues these gaming businesses generate, casinos are also a source of… Read More

Resolutions For A Great Senior New Year

It is that time again when the calendar flips the page to a new year and people everywhere make a list of resolutions that few will end up keeping. It’s not surprising why new year’s resolutions are broken almost as soon as they are made. Most people have good intentions… Read More

The Best Gift To Give An Older Loved Ones

When the birthday of an elder loved one approaches or the holiday season comes around, families everywhere struggle to answer the same age-old question: what gift can we get for Grandma or Grandpa? It’s a conundrum for family members because by the time someone reaches their senior years, most already… Read More

Fall Prevention For Older Adults

Injuries from falls are a serious threat to the health of older adults in the United States. In 2020, over 36,000 deaths were reported from falls among adults 65 years and older, making it the leading cause of injury deaths for that age demographic. It is estimated that one in… Read More

Healthy Aging Made Easy

Eventually, it happens to everyone. You wake up one morning and realize you are old. For many people, it’s an unsettling revelation because they never imagined this day ever happening. The feeling they have is like a thief in the night came by and stole their youth, leaving behind this… Read More

How To Brighten The Holiday Spirits Of Seniors

Most people welcome the holiday season as a wonderful time of the year. It’s when families and friends gather to shop, bake, decorate and enjoy all the other things that make the holidays festive. Unfortunately, not everyone looks forward to the holidays with the same spirit of joy and anxious… Read More

How To Guard Against Senior Frauds and Scams

It seems as if not a day goes by without a news story about an elderly person being victimized by fraudsters and scammers. Some of the news reports are horrific, detailing how seniors lost most or all their life savings through elaborate, illegal schemes orchestrated by criminals who prey upon… Read More

How To Protect Your Senior Loved Ones From Isolation And Loneliness

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many people across the United States and the world experienced first-hand the anguish of social isolation and loneliness. They were confined to their homes, removed from the workplace and unable to engage in even the simplest of social activities. The impact on their health was… Read More

Why Seniors Need Technology In Their Lives

“I don’t need it.” “I don’t like it.” “I don’t trust it.” If someone in your family is of senior age, you’re probably heard one or more of those statements made in reference to many of the electronic marvels that have become commonplace in today’s world. While younger generations embrace… Read More

Six Tips For Seniors On How To Beat Inflation

Most people and families today are struggling financially while trying to keep pace with inflation. For seniors living on fixed incomes, the challenge of maintaining their standard of living as prices soar upwards is especially difficult. Adding to the concern is that economists predict it will be at least another… Read More

The Importance of Proactive Physical Therapy For Seniors

Mention the words physical therapy to a group of seniors and most will react the same way – with an eyeroll or a frown. It’s an understandable response since most seniors consider physical therapy to be an unpleasant part of their recovery process following an injury or surgery. While it’s… Read More

Make Technology Senior Friendly

Many seniors are set in the ways and there may be no better example of this than in their reluctance to embrace new technologies.  Older adults have generally been much slower than younger generations to embrace the wonders of computers, the internet, smartphones and a myriad of other modern… Read More

Cooking With Seniors

Seniors love routines.  For most older adults, routines are repetitions of familiar things that they do on a regular basis.  These can be simple things such as reading a newspaper or book, going for a walk, or shopping at the supermarket the same time and day each week.… Read More

Make Bathrooms Senior Friendly

Aging in place at home and living as independently as possible is a goal of most seniors.  Unfortunately, one of the primary reasons older adults leave their homes for assisted living facilities is because of mobility issues that make it difficult if not impossible for them to maintain proper… Read More

Social Media A Plus For Seniors

Social media is something most people today use to stay connected with friends and family.  Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of the other popular forms of social media, we’ve gotten so proficient at using it that we take it’s value and importance for granted, so much so… Read More

How to Beat the High Cost of Funerals

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the famous quote that “nothing is certain in life except death and taxes.”  It’s a wise adage that many seniors take only half-way to heart.  Most seniors will expend great time and effort working with accountants and financial advisors to protect their assets… Read More

The Importance of Playtime for Seniors

When we hear the word “playtime”, most people conjure up images of toddlers and young children engaging in fun activities inside and out of the house.  That’s a valid assessment but playtime is not something reserved for just children. It’s something people of all ages can enjoy and especially… Read More

How To Avoid Caregiver Burnout

The Signs Of Caregiver Burnout

It’s something that happens to even the best caregivers.

You wake up in the morning feeling physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted.  You lay in bed motionless, pondering your to-do list for the day ahead and you feel utterly overwhelmed.  Your usual upbeat attitude… Read More

Coping With Loneliness In Older Adults

Everyone suffers through periods of loneliness at some points in their lives.  It’s a natural condition of being human to feel the pains of separation when someone we love or care about passes on, moves away or is missing in our lives for whatever reason.

For most of us,… Read More

Safe Gardening Tips For Seniors

It’s springtime and all over the country, seniors are shaking off the winter blues and venturing outdoors to begin beautifying their lawns and gardens.  It’s a great time of year for older adults because they have opportunity to be more active, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and test… Read More

Protecting Seniors from Scams

Financial exploitation of seniors is a serious problem.  It’s hard to pinpoint exactly how much money senior citizens are scammed out of each year, but various studies estimate the financial losses at between 3 billion to 37 billion annually.  The reason why it’s difficult to calculate losses accurately… Read More

Smart Financial Planning For Seniors

One of the greatest fears that seniors have today is outliving their money.  For many older adults, advances in healthcare has been a double-edged sword.  They are living longer, healthier lives but increased lifespans have contributed to financial worries because their financial reserves can’t keep pace with their… Read More

When It’s Time To Consider Home Care

When elder loved ones reach a point in life when they want to live independently but can no longer adequately care for themselves, what typically happens is someone in the family steps up and provides the necessary help.  It’s a common situation.  It’s estimated that over 40 million… Read More

Eating Well For Older Adults

Eating balanced, nutritional meals is a key to good health at any age.  For seniors, eating well is especially important.  A proper diet of the right foods helps seniors boost their energy, manage their weight and it can even control or prevent diseases such as high blood pressure,… Read More

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

It’s that time of year again.  Winter has arrived and weather advisories about snow, ice and chilling temperatures are everyday news for most parts of the nation.  Unless you reside in the warmer climates or are one of the fortunate “Snow Birds” that migrate there for the winter… Read More

Communicating Better with Seniors

As someone who has spent the better part of my adult life in the senior care professions, I’ve learned firsthand that effectively communicating with older adults is not a simple task.  It’s difficult because issues with aging can cause communication disconnects between seniors and their caregivers.  When this… Read More

The Importance Of Activities For Daily Living

Most of us take all the mundane things we do in our daily lives for granted.  We get up in the morning, make our beds, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and then begin the series of activities we have planned for the day.  Most of us don’t give… Read More

6 Steps to End Alzheimer’s Caregiver Fatigue

Caregiving for loved ones who are suffering from chronic illnesses, including Alzheimer’s disease, can be demanding and stressful. Many caregivers of loved ones sacrifice large amounts of their own life, without support, taking on more than they are realistically capable of – physically, mentally and financially. For this reason, Alzheimer’s… Read More

Caring for An Aging Parent When You Are an Only Child

Making the right care decisions for an aging parent is generally a family matter.  In most cases, adult children will gather together to discuss their elder parent’s needs, explore options for care and share the responsibilities that comes with caring for an elderly loved one.

But what do you… Read More

Music and Alzheimer’s Disease

I’m like most people when it comes to music.  I love it.  I listen to music driving in my car, working in the office and while I’m relaxing at home.  It’s the “chill pill” I take that helps me better cope with the stress and anxiety that… Read More

Three Tips to Help Seniors Adjust to a New Caregiver

It is estimated that there are as many as 65.7 million people being cared for in homes across the United States, according to statistics from AARP. If you are the primary caregiver, you know that your loved one is likely very comfortable with the arrangement. Although your family member is… Read More

How to Decrease Risk Of Pressure Ulcers (Bedsores)

I went golfing recently and after the round, I noticed a blister forming on my left hand.  My initial reaction was to laugh it off as a sad reminder of a poor grip and swing that led to the irritation.  Over the next couple of days, the blister… Read More

The Importance of Summer Hydration For Seniors

I’ve always looked forward to the summer months.  The long days and warmer weather give me more time to be active outdoors whether it’s doing yard-work chores around the house or escaping for the weekend with my family for a hike in the hills.

As a health professional for… Read More

Smart Downsizing Tips For Seniors

As a senior home care professional, I know the day will eventually come when the children are gone and the house we live in will be more than my wife and I need. It will be a bittersweet moment. Read More

Three Tips to Help Seniors Adjust to a New In-Home Caregiver

3 Tips to Help Seniors Adjust to New In-Home Caregivers. Whether you need to supplement the care you provide or need to make a change, introducing a new caregiver can be somewhat difficult. Seniors may not be welcome to changes. There are several things you can do to help make the adjustment easier. Read More
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