At Valley Home Care, we strive to be on the forefront of elder home care by keeping up-to-date on current news and information that impacts the clients and families we serve.

We have compiled a list of informational items that we believe you will find educational and helpful. If at any time you have questions or concerns about any of the information presented, please contact us. Our staff will be glad to help you find the information you need to make the right choices about home care.

If you have a suggestion for a future topic, we encourage you to email us your ideas. Also, please check back regularly because we continually update our library of information.

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Physical Fitness For Seniors

There comes a day in everyone’s life when Father Time catches up to Mother Nature. It’s just another way of saying that eventually, the day will come when we wake up and our body reminds us that our youth has passed by even though we still feel young at heart.… Read More

Music Helps Seniors Stay Healthy

It has been said that music is good for the soul. That may be true, but according to medical research, it is also good for your health. Numerous studies into the link between music and health all conclude that music has a positive impact on a broad range of physical… Read More

Medication Management For Seniors

Did I or didn’t I? That’s a question that a lot of seniors ask themselves when it’s time to take a prescribed medication. You mull the question over in your head, uncertain if you took your medication on time as prescribed or if you forgot to do either one because… Read More

Smart Financial Planning For Older Adults

Running out of money during their golden years is one of the biggest fears seniors have today. It is a valid and serious concern. As life expectancy increases and inflation soars, the cost of living longer has consequences that many seniors never anticipated nor planned for during their working lives.… Read More

Volunteering Opportunities For Seniors

Most people daydream all their working lives about retirement. They look forward to when they can leave their jobs behind and spend their days doing everything that they always wanted to do but never had the time. When that day finally arrives, it is often a bittersweet revelation for many… Read More

Seniors And Problem Gambling

Casinos today are like convenience stores. They are popping up everywhere across the country, conveniently located, and open for business 24/7/365. While the proliferation of casinos is good news to the local and state governments that benefit from the revenues these gaming businesses generate, casinos are also a source of… Read More

Resolutions For A Great Senior New Year

It is that time again when the calendar flips the page to a new year and people everywhere make a list of resolutions that few will end up keeping. It’s not surprising why new year’s resolutions are broken almost as soon as they are made. Most people have good intentions… Read More

The Best Gift To Give An Older Loved Ones

When the birthday of an elder loved one approaches or the holiday season comes around, families everywhere struggle to answer the same age-old question: what gift can we get for Grandma or Grandpa? It’s a conundrum for family members because by the time someone reaches their senior years, most already… Read More

Fall Prevention For Older Adults

Injuries from falls are a serious threat to the health of older adults in the United States. In 2020, over 36,000 deaths were reported from falls among adults 65 years and older, making it the leading cause of injury deaths for that age demographic. It is estimated that one in… Read More

Healthy Aging Made Easy

Eventually, it happens to everyone. You wake up one morning and realize you are old. For many people, it’s an unsettling revelation because they never imagined this day ever happening. The feeling they have is like a thief in the night came by and stole their youth, leaving behind this… Read More