
Make Technology Senior Friendly

Many seniors are set in the ways and there may be no better example of this than in their reluctance to embrace new technologies.  Older adults have generally been much slower than younger generations to embrace the wonders of computers, the internet, smartphones and a myriad of other modern… Read More

Social Media A Plus For Seniors

Social media is something most people today use to stay connected with friends and family.  Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of the other popular forms of social media, we’ve gotten so proficient at using it that we take it’s value and importance for granted, so much so… Read More

6 Steps to End Alzheimer’s Caregiver Fatigue

Caregiving for loved ones who are suffering from chronic illnesses, including Alzheimer’s disease, can be demanding and stressful. Many caregivers of loved ones sacrifice large amounts of their own life, without support, taking on more than they are realistically capable of – physically, mentally and financially. For this reason, Alzheimer’s… Read More