Elderly Care Merced CA – Benefits of Elderly Care for a Loved One Who No Longer Drives
No longer being able to drive can be a major change for your aging parent. Whether they are no longer able to drive due to changes in their senses, cognitive functioning, memory, reflexes, or other physical abilities, when they realize that they are no longer able to simply get up and go where they need and want to go on their own, they can experience very difficult responses. They might struggle with depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and loss of motivation. Starting elderly care for them can help.
Some of the benefits of elderly care for a senior who no longer drives include:
Ongoing independence. Transportation from an elderly care services provider allows your parent to continue exerting their independence through tasks such as running their own errands, going grocery shopping, and attending appointments on their own.
Continued socialization. Staying socially active is an important part of maintaining mental and emotional health, but this can be decreased with not being able to drive. An elderly care provider can ensure that your parent is able to get out, see people, and continue to engage in activities and events that support your senior’s mental and emotional health and well-being.
Mental stimulation. Keeping their mind active and engaged is an important part of maintaining health and quality of life for your parent. A continuously stimulated mind stays stronger and more responsive, and can ward off decline for longer. Reliable transportation means that your parent can find new activities, participate in groups and organizations, and experience new things that keep their mind flexible, learning, and engaged.
Feeling relevant. Challenges and limitations can make your parent feel as though they are no longer relevant to the world around them. Through reliable transportation, however, a care provider can encourage your loved one to participate in volunteer opportunities and help others in meaningful ways that support a sense of importance and relevance to their community and to the larger world around them.
If you have been looking for ways to enhance your parent’s quality of life and ensure that they get the level of care, support, and assistance that they need to manage their individual needs, challenges, and limitations throughout their later years, now may be the ideal time to consider starting elderly care.
An in-home elderly care services provider can create a highly personalized set of services designed specifically for your parent as an individual. This means that they will receive the care that is right for them based on their needs, beliefs, personality, preferences and goals. Through these services your parent can stay healthy, happy, safe, and comfortable, while also pursuing a lifestyle that is as active, independent, and fulfilling as possible as they age in place.
For you as their family caregiver, this can give you peace of mind knowing that even when you need to focus your energy and attention on other aspects of your life, your parent is still getting what they need to live the highest quality of life possible.
Sources: ttps://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/older_adult_drivers/index.html