Healthy Aging Made Easy

Eventually, it happens to everyone. You wake up one morning and realize you are old. For many people, it’s an unsettling revelation because they never imagined this day ever happening. The feeling they have is like a thief in the night came by and stole their youth, leaving behind this unfamiliar aging person that stares back at them in the mirror.
Growing older is mandatory. That’s the downside. The upside of the aging process is that being old is optional. If you choose to age wisely, growing old can be far more of a blessing than a curse and your senior years can become the best times of your life.
Change Happens
As we transition into our senior years, significant life changes will occur. We will retire from work, watch our children leave home, suffer the loss of loved ones, and experience physical and mental challenges that can sometimes turn our world upside down. Adapting to change isn’t easy, especially as we grow older. The reason why is because we tend to focus more on what we have lost rather than all the wonderful things that remain in our lives.
Growing older can be a thrilling journey if we choose to live our latter years with curiosity and enthusiasm. No matter what our circumstances, we can choose to tell the story of our latter years with an exclamation point instead of a question mark. The key to this is staying as healthy as possible so that we feel our best at any age.
Proper Nutrition Matters
Eating a nutritious, balanced diet is essential to good senior health. A proper diet can minimize risks associated with heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and many other illnesses associated with aging. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat free dairy products, beans, nuts, seafood, and other low cholesterol foods provide the building blocks for good senior health.
If preparing and eating nutritious meals is difficult for any reason, ask for help. Family, friends, and local senior organizations can provide you with the assistance you need.
Stay Active
Being active is essential for good senior health. As our energy levels decrease, there is a tendency to be more sedentary in our lives. Resist the urge to sit more and move around less. Take daily walks with friends in your neighborhood. Many health plans offer seniors free memberships at fitness facilities so take advantage of their exercise programs designed for older adults. Regular activity and exercise can help prevent, delay, and manage many chronic diseases that plague the senior population as well as reduce the risk of falls.
Avoid The Obvious Health Risks
If you use tobacco products, stop. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages to excess. An occasional glass of wine or some like alcohol beverage is fine but make it the exception rather than the rule in your daily living. Fast food dining can be convenient, but it is generally nutrient poor and can compromise your health, so eat at home as often as possible. Also, evaluate your home for potential slip-and-fall risks and take corrective action if any exist. It is much easier to avoid an injury than to recover from one.
See Your Health Care Providers Regularly
Many people tend to see their health care providers only when they are sick or not feeling well. Schedule regular checkups and keep your appointments. This includes not only your primary care physician, but also hearing, eye and physical therapy professionals that can identify potential problems before they become serious.
Brain health is a serious concern for many seniors. Talk to your physician if you notice any changes in how you think or process information in your daily living activities. Dementia is not a normal part of the aging process, but it’s smart to be aware of the symptoms should they occur.
Keep your brain active. Read more. Do puzzles or play games. Try a new recipe or engage in a new sport. All these activities and others will challenge your brain which is important to maintaining sound mental health.
Reinvent Yourself
You are never too old to reinvent yourself. Many famous people became famous only after reaching their senior years and they did it by asking themselves a simple question: what have I always wanted to do that I’ve never done? It could be a new hobby, a part-time job, an opportunity to travel somewhere you’ve never been or be a volunteer at an organization you support. Whatever your answer is to the question, pursue it with purpose and passion. If you feel fear about trying something new, do it anyway. It’s never too late to become your best self.

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