How Can a Senior Make a Difference from Their Home?

Volunteering can be exceptionally beneficial for elderly adults, offering a wide range of benefits for your senior. As a family caregiver you want to help your parent live a high quality of life and stay as healthy as possible throughout their years. While volunteering can be a way for you to achieve this, if your senior suffers from challenges and limitations that prevent them from being able to get out into the community and participate in active volunteering efforts you might worry that they are not able to get these benefits. This, however, is not the case. There are plenty of opportunities available that allow your parent to make a difference and offer benefits to others while staying right in the comfort and safety of their own home.

Let these ideas inspire you for ways that your aging loved one can make a difference right from their own home:

  • Writing letters. Supporting the troops and other groups in need of this support can come in many forms, but one of the most meaningful is just letting them know that someone is thinking about them. Writing letters is a way to share a kind thought, offer encouragement, and let these people know that there is someone, even if they don’t know them, know that they are not alone.
  • Gifts for preemies. Premature babies are delicate and going through a very challenging time as soon as they are born. If your parent has a handiwork skill such as crocheting or knitting, they can help to make these early days easier for the baby and their family. Many organizations accept handmade hats and blankets for these tiny babies to help them stay cozy and to show that there are people thinking of them through their journey.
  • Care packages. Contact your local food bank and ask them if they have a care package program. These programs are designed to provide relief packages for members of the community that are going through difficult times such as the death of a loved one or an extended illness. You can shop for the items in these bags and bring them to your parent’s home so that you can assemble them together. These bags usually contain simple items such as canned soups, juice boxes, and beverages.

If you have been looking for ways to enhance your elderly parent’s quality of life, boost their mental and emotional health, and help them maintain the lifestyle that they desire and deserve as they age in place, starting senior care for them might be the ideal option. A senior home care services provider can be there with your elderly loved one on a fully customized schedule to ensure that they get all of the care, support, assistance, and encouragement that they need while also keeping you at the forefront of their care routine. The highly personalized care services designed specifically for your loved one are tailored to helping your parent address their individual needs, challenges, and limitations in the way that is right for them. This care can help your parent to stay healthy, safe, and comfortable while supporting a lifestyle that is as independent, active, and fulfilling as possible as they age in place.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring in-home senior care in Clovis, CA, please contact the caring staff at Valley Home Care.
