Rob Wheelock

Rob has spent his career working with seniors and their families, so he knows the importance of dependable, professional, compassionate senior care. In 2009, he co-founded Valley Home Health, a California-licensed, Medicare-certified home health agency that has cared for over 7,000 patients. Initially, Rob served as the organization’s administrator and oversaw its operations; now he continues his work as the company president. In recent years, Rob has focused on Valley Home Care, a business he co-founded. Its mission stems from his desire to help seniors maintain an independent lifestyle with safety and security. Rob credits Valley Home Care’s success to our passion for quality senior care and our dedication to the elderly and their families.

Are There Multiple Forms of Spinal Muscular Atrophy?

Elderly Care in Fresno CA: Different Types Of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

As a family caregiver, it can be overwhelming when learning about the different health complications and challenges that your senior is facing or could be facing.  You may have heard a single term used to describe what your… Read More

How Can a Senior Make a Difference from Their Home?

Volunteering can be exceptionally beneficial for elderly adults, offering a wide range of benefits for your senior. As a family caregiver you want to help your parent live a high quality of life and stay as healthy as possible throughout their years. While volunteering can be a way for you… Read More

Managing Personality Changes in your Parent with Alzheimer’s

Though there are definite stages that someone with Alzheimer’s goes through, the duration and the effects of each one seems to vary widely from person to person. Some never experience behavioral changes, while others go through profound changes. The early stages may find your parent a little more moody or… Read More

Relying on Your Friends During Your Care Journey

Making the decision to step into the role of being a family caregiver for your elderly parent is a lifechanging choice. You are agreeing to give of your time, energy, effort, and resources to make sure that your parent’s needs are met and that you they are able to live… Read More

5 Go-To Meals for Family Caregivers

Dinnertime can be one of the most hectic meals of the day, because you and your family members are coming and going, and everyone is starving. It doesn’t matter if you are responsible for meal planning and preparation for your children, your aging loved one, or both. The fact is… Read More

What Should You Do If Your Parent is Suffering From Heat Stroke?

Elderly adults are particularly vulnerable to a variety of health concerns and conditions, including heat stroke. Simply being older increases their risk, but they can also be at higher risk if they suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, circulation problems, or obesity. This condition can lead to very severe… Read More

How Would I Know if my Elderly Loved One’s Identity was Stolen?

As if they didn’t have enough troubles to look out for already, senior citizens, especially ones with medical conditions, are a prime target for identity thieves. These thieves can steal information from your loved one’s mail, or even from their medical records or credit cards by standing near them when… Read More