At Valley Home Care, we strive to be on the forefront of elder home care by keeping up-to-date on current news and information that impacts the clients and families we serve.

We have compiled a list of informational items that we believe you will find educational and helpful. If at any time you have questions or concerns about any of the information presented, please contact us. Our staff will be glad to help you find the information you need to make the right choices about home care.

If you have a suggestion for a future topic, we encourage you to email us your ideas. Also, please check back regularly because we continually update our library of information.

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Nutritious Summer Smoothies for Elderly Loved Ones

When it’s hot outside, your elderly loved one wants to stay cool and comfortable. Often, the appetite diminishes in seniors for a variety of reasons, but there are few things that are as tempting as a delicious fruit smoothie. Not only are smoothies a fine way to cool down, but… Read More

5 Ways to Reduce Dry Mouth

Dry mouth or cotton mouth is a chronic condition where elderly people struggle to generate enough saliva to help with eating and speaking. Not only is dry mouth uncomfortable, it can lead to some serious oral health issues. Family caregivers should not discount it when their elderly loved one complains… Read More

Doing Yoga with Your Aging Parent

If you have an aging parent with a condition like arthritis or osteoporosis, you might think that they should stay away from exercise, because it is too risky. While heavy, intense exercise is surely dangerous (for anyone, not just the elderly!), light exercise can actually help your loved one stay… Read More

Tips for Caring for a Senior Suffering From a Migraine

Millions of people throughout the United States suffer from migraines. In fact, approximately 12 percent of the total population of the nation suffers from this often debilitating condition, including 10 percent of the child population. As a family caregiver, it is very important that you know as much as you… Read More

5 Myths (and Truths!) About Parkinson’s

Although Parkinson’s disease affects about 1 million people in the United States, many still see it as a mysterious disease.

This may be because the disease is neurological and affects people in different ways. In fact, some say that no two people will have the same experience with the disease.… Read More