Resolutions For A Great Senior New Year

It is that time again when the calendar flips the page to a new year and people everywhere make a list of resolutions that few will end up keeping. It’s not surprising why new year’s resolutions are broken almost as soon as they are made. Most people have good intentions when making resolutions, but they fail because their approach is more akin to wishful thinking than a thoughtful plan on how to achieve their objectives.
We may resolve to exercise more in the new year, but it does not happen because we don’t plot out and follow a structured schedule that makes exercise a regular routine. Our resolution might be to lose weight, but we fail to do it because we don’t set realistic weekly and monthly goals to which we can hold ourselves accountable. Resolutions only work when we commit to changing our counterproductive behaviors and that is an arduous task, especially for older adults who are typically set in their ways.
Resolve To Become The Best You Possible
It is easy to make a new year’s resolution. The hard part is making it a reality. Fortunately, it is not as difficult as most seniors imagine. All it takes is setting aside a little time each day to focus on the resolution at hand and then doing the things necessary to reach your goal. Here are some helpful tips that can help seniors have a happier, healthier new year:
• Exercise more often.
Resolving to exercise more is easier said than done, no matter what your age. Seniors that exercise regularly succeed because they make it a social endeavor. They go to the gym, take walks, bicycle, swim and engage in other physical activities that are good for them because they do it with a friend or friends. When you exercise with people whose company you enjoy, it is easier to hold each other accountable to exercise routines and goals. You might not want to exercise one day, but you do it because others are counting on you to show up and you do not want to let them down. This mutual accountability benefits everyone in positive ways.

• Socialize more.
As we get older, we tend to become less socially active. There are many reasons this happens. Sometimes, it is because health issues limit our ability to do things outside the home. Other reasons might be that family members moved away, or dear friends have passed along. Regardless of the circumstances, you can still resolve to socialize more and make that goal not only possible, but probable.

There are more seniors alive today than ever before and the older adult population is increasing. The opportunity to make new friends and spend more time with current ones has never been greater. Join a senior group in your community and meet new people. Schedule a regular get together with people you already know so that you can rekindle old relationships. Instead of just thinking about being more social, take the initiative to make it happen. It is easier to do than you think if you just try.

• Resolve To Treat Yourself Often
Treating yourself to something you love is one of the best forms of self-care. This doesn’t mean going out on a shopping trip and breaking the bank. To the contrary, resolving to treat yourself more often can involve joys that do not require a trip to the mall. If your financial situation allows, set aside a certain percentage of your income each month that allows you to splurge with intention. It could be more frequent visits to a favorite restaurant, a trip to see family or friends or trading in your current older car for a new one. Whatever way you decide to treat yourself, just resolve to do it because you deserve it.

• Play more.
George Bernard Shaw said that “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” For this reason and others, resolve to play more in the new year.

Play is a vital component of happiness at any age and especially in your senior years. The type of play that you engage in can vary. If your health allows, it can be a physical activity that boosts your energy level and stimulates your body. It can also be a mental activity such are card and board games that help keep your brain active and your mind sharp. Ideally, it is doing all these things. Life is more fun when you remind yourself that some days are simply meant for playing.
If you approach the new year with resolve, you will discover there are amazing opportunities for happiness every single day. Make the new year a book about your life that has new chapters and verse instead of one that tells the same old story.

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