The Best Gift To Give An Older Loved Ones

When the birthday of an elder loved one approaches or the holiday season comes around, families everywhere struggle to answer the same age-old question: what gift can we get for Grandma or Grandpa? It’s a conundrum for family members because by the time someone reaches their senior years, most already have all the clothing, household items and knickknacks they want or need.
If you are having trouble finding the perfect gift for an elder loved one, it’s probably because you are looking for it in all the wrong places. The best of all gifts isn’t something you’ll find at any shopping mall or online store. It’s also something that’s priceless in value yet will cost you absolutely nothing to give.
When it’s time to give the gift that shows your older loved ones how much you care, give them what they want and need the most. Give them a sense of purpose.
A Sense of Purpose Is Essential In Life
Your older loved ones lived their entire adult lives with a sense of purpose. They spent every waking hour working tirelessly to meet career and family responsibilities that enabled them to be inspirational role models for their children. A sense of purpose is what gave their lives meaning but as they aged and their lives slowed down, this same sense of purpose slowly evaporated away to the point that many older loved ones no longer feel relevant in life.
Aging is not an option. It is a fact of life that happens to everyone but not all seniors react to it in the same way. While some seniors embrace the journey as an opportunity to find new purpose in life, many more others struggle to make the transition and they often become depressed, isolated, and dissatisfied with their lives.
Purpose Promotes Well-Being
Having a sense of purpose is essential to the well-being of older adults. Feeling that you are still relevant in life as you age is one of the common denominators of a healthy mind and body. Medical studies report that maintaining a sense of purpose in life as you grow older can slow down the aging process and promote longevity.
Okinawa, Japan has one of the oldest populations in the world and one of the reasons people live longer there is attributed to a concept called “Ikigai,” which is defined as “the happiness of being busy doing the things that spark joy in life.” To the people of Okinawa, aging is an extraordinary process that provides new opportunities to keep working, keep smiling, keep active and to live life to the fullest.
How Seniors Can Rediscover Their Sense Of Purpose
If you recognize signs that elderly loved one is no longer feeling relevant, don’t hesitate to help them find their new purpose in life. They need your help because it can be difficult for many and even impossible for some to do it for themselves, so encourage them to explore the new, exciting paths their lives can take. Here’s some ideas on how to help seniors rediscover their sense of purpose:
• Relationship Building.
Humans are social beings by nature, so healthy relationships can help bring about a sense of joy and happiness. Encourage your elder loved ones to not only maintain the relationships that are important to them but to also reach out and build new relationships with people who share their interests.

• Engage In Fun Activities

Purpose and fulfillment can often be found in doing things you enjoy. Planning and scheduling fun activities will give the seniors in your life reasons to want to get out of bed in the morning. If there are obstacles that prevent them from being with people who do the same things they enjoy, help them solve the problem. It could be as simple as arranging transportation for them to connect with other people or just having heartful conversations with them to explore what new interests they would like to explore.

• Change Their Routines

If your elder loved one complains about being unhappy because they feel stuck in a rut, help them change their daily routines. Most seniors gravitate to what is familiar to them and that can create bad habits that are hard to break. New routines can break this cycle. Your loved ones might be resistant to alter their current routines but explain to them that new ways of doing the same things can unlock a more fulfilling sense of purpose that gives new meaning to their lives. Reinforce the idea they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by learning how to live each day differently rather than the same.

• Ignite Their Creativity

Starting and completing a creative project – big or small – can bring about a strong sense of purpose and accomplishment in all people, especially older adults. Creative activities can improve their cognitive health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. Artistic expression can be the springboard that enables your elder loved ones to look forward to the future with optimism instead of angst, so do everything possible to ignite their creative fires.

• Service Opportunities

One of the best ways to help your elder loved ones find their sense of purpose is by helping them to do what they have always done – serve others. Their greatest joys were serving the needs of their family. Now, they can keep doing what they know best by serving others in their community. There are countless organizations in every town and city that welcome senior service, so help your elder loved ones to connect with them. Their willingness to serve and help others can give them the sense of purpose in life that they seek and need.
When considering the perfect gift to give your elder loved ones, open your heart as well as your eyes. Help them live their latter years with a sense of purpose that continues to give their life meaning. It’s the greatest gift you can give to those you love the most.

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