At Valley Home Care, we strive to be on the forefront of elder home care by keeping up-to-date on current news and information that impacts the clients and families we serve.

We have compiled a list of informational items that we believe you will find educational and helpful. If at any time you have questions or concerns about any of the information presented, please contact us. Our staff will be glad to help you find the information you need to make the right choices about home care.

If you have a suggestion for a future topic, we encourage you to email us your ideas. Also, please check back regularly because we continually update our library of information.

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The Best Gift To Give An Older Loved Ones

When the birthday of an elder loved one approaches or the holiday season comes around, families everywhere struggle to answer the same age-old question: what gift can we get for Grandma or Grandpa? It’s a conundrum for family members because by the time someone reaches their senior years, most already… Read More

Fall Prevention For Older Adults

Injuries from falls are a serious threat to the health of older adults in the United States. In 2020, over 36,000 deaths were reported from falls among adults 65 years and older, making it the leading cause of injury deaths for that age demographic. It is estimated that one in… Read More

Healthy Aging Made Easy

Eventually, it happens to everyone. You wake up one morning and realize you are old. For many people, it’s an unsettling revelation because they never imagined this day ever happening. The feeling they have is like a thief in the night came by and stole their youth, leaving behind this… Read More

How To Brighten The Holiday Spirits Of Seniors

Most people welcome the holiday season as a wonderful time of the year. It’s when families and friends gather to shop, bake, decorate and enjoy all the other things that make the holidays festive. Unfortunately, not everyone looks forward to the holidays with the same spirit of joy and anxious… Read More

How To Guard Against Senior Frauds and Scams

It seems as if not a day goes by without a news story about an elderly person being victimized by fraudsters and scammers. Some of the news reports are horrific, detailing how seniors lost most or all their life savings through elaborate, illegal schemes orchestrated by criminals who prey upon… Read More

How To Protect Your Senior Loved Ones From Isolation And Loneliness

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many people across the United States and the world experienced first-hand the anguish of social isolation and loneliness. They were confined to their homes, removed from the workplace and unable to engage in even the simplest of social activities. The impact on their health was… Read More

Why Seniors Need Technology In Their Lives

“I don’t need it.” “I don’t like it.” “I don’t trust it.” If someone in your family is of senior age, you’re probably heard one or more of those statements made in reference to many of the electronic marvels that have become commonplace in today’s world. While younger generations embrace… Read More

Six Tips For Seniors On How To Beat Inflation

Most people and families today are struggling financially while trying to keep pace with inflation. For seniors living on fixed incomes, the challenge of maintaining their standard of living as prices soar upwards is especially difficult. Adding to the concern is that economists predict it will be at least another… Read More

The Importance of Proactive Physical Therapy For Seniors

Mention the words physical therapy to a group of seniors and most will react the same way – with an eyeroll or a frown. It’s an understandable response since most seniors consider physical therapy to be an unpleasant part of their recovery process following an injury or surgery. While it’s… Read More

Make Technology Senior Friendly

Many seniors are set in the ways and there may be no better example of this than in their reluctance to embrace new technologies.  Older adults have generally been much slower than younger generations to embrace the wonders of computers, the internet, smartphones and a myriad of other modern… Read More

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